Flights e-Journal (issue twelve)

Welcome to issue 12 of Flights e-journal. 

Issue 12 means, of course, that we have reached three years of Flights. I don’t think we were looking ahead so far when we decided to start the journal. It was originally designed to complement our spoken word events, and to lay some ground towards becoming a small press. Not only are we now celebrating our 12th journal and three years of Flights, we have just published our tenth book, the powerful Guerrilla Country by Phil Vernon.

We would like to thank all this issue’s contributors for sharing their work with us; we know how it feels to send your words out into the world uncertain of how they might be received. We are delighted with the range and quality of submissions; the work of editing gets more challenging with each edition.

If you are inspired to send us your work for our summer issue then you can find submission guidelines here.

We hope you enjoy issue 12 of Flights

All the best 

Barbara and Darren